Transforming Battery Manufacturing
with Digital Modelling
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  • Electrochemical Scanning Microwave Microscopy Reveals Ion Intercalation Dynamics and Maps Active Sites in 2D Catalyst
    Mohamed Awadein, Abhishek Kumar, Yuqing Wang, Mingdong Dong, Stefan Müllegger, Georg Gramse

    In this publication, electrochemical scanning microwave microscopy (EC-SMM) is introduced as a means to address the demand for new, sustainable and lightweight material for the swift and efficient storage of high energy densities. EC-SMM enables local measurement of electrochemical properties with nanometer spatial resolution and sensitivity down to atto-Ampere electrochemical currents.

  • Battery testing ontology: An EMMO-based semantic framework for representing knowledge in battery testing and battery quality control
    Pierluigi Del Nostro, Gerhard Goldbeck, Ferry Kienberger, Manuel Moertelmaier, Andrea Pozzi, Nawfal Al-Zubaidi-R-Smith, Daniele Toti
    Computers in Industry

    This publication describes a new Battery Testing Ontology (BTO) for battery testing and quality control which offers an assortment of battery cell tests specifying required test hardware and calibration procedures, mechanical figuring of batteries and electrical measurement data. It aligns with the Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology (EMMO) and other ontologies for interoperability.

  • Quality Inspection of Battery Separators by Partial Discharge Spectroscopy
    Peeyush Kumar, Manuel Kasper, Ferry Kienberger, Georg Gramse

    Quality control is highly relevant for the safety, sustainability, and efficiency of the battery manufacturing process. An early and reliable detection of failures in the production chain is important. The article presents a method for detecting micrometric imperfections and contaminations on the battery separator before filling the battery stack with the electrolyte.